Women's March on Montpellier

January 21, 2017


A memory album of 40 photos and 7 videos, taken with a Canon IXUS 220 HS. Created and posted online on February 10, 2017 by Sonia Kanclerski. Enjoy!

The march

Standing! Standing! Standing!

I share with you these few words about my personal feelings about the march. It was an intense joy for me to come from the Toulouse region, walk together in Montpellier, sing in choir and with heart, carry humanist values and share these moments with mill...ions of people :)

The emotion was so intense in my heart that I decided to create this site with an album to keep a memory of this moving moment of sharing. So I think I had an autotelic experience :)

To find out more about this march, I invite you to visit two Facebook pages: the event Women's March on Montpellier and the public group Women's March on Montpellier <3 the following. Come and join us! Women's rights are human rights and... they are not begged for!

After the photos and videos, ...music to finish. Indeed, I am now sharing with you two songs by Jean-Jacques Goldman, which resonate strongly with me in this context :)

With the Joy of being able to commit and walk together,

Sonia Kanclerski alias Embrassons Le Ciel Immense

Ensemble by Jean-Jacques Goldman

Ensemble by Jean-Jacques Goldman (Together in English).

Je te donne, by Jean-Jacques Goldman and Michael Jones.

Je te donne is a bilingual pop song, recorded in English and French, by Jean-Jacques Goldman and Michael Jones.


I warmly thank all the people who made this solidarity march in Montpellier possible and successful. Thank you and well done!

Among them, I particularly thank Françoise Mariotti, the founder of the Psyc & Genre and cafés du genre, who prepared the signs and posters for this march for the members of the association who came... of which I am a part ;- )

I also thank the photographer Mickaël Dessalles for taking my photo during the walk.

Warning note

For your information, the photos (and videos) in the album on this website are personal photos. I took them on January 21, 2017 during the "Women's March on Montpellier", from the Peyrou garden to the Place de la Comédie, with my personal camera: Canon IXUS 220 HS.

However, if, among these photos and films, people do not wish them to be broadcast on this site, they should write to me and I will remove the media from the album. You can write to me an email.

Thank you for your attention.

With the Joy of sharing,

Sonia Kanclerski alias Embrassons Le Ciel Immense